Hi all — Been through some rough family time and I worry that I may have missed a response to this question. I apologize if that's the case. If not, is there anyone with any insights?
Basically, I'm just looking for a way to narrow the scope of the clock total to the current iteration of task, in the context of the column view of the agenda. Comparing effort to total doesn't make a lot of sense if the former is an estimate per iteration and the latter is an total over all iterations. At least not to me. There's always the likelihood that I'm just missing something. — Michael On Aug 1, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Michael Gilbert wrote: > I use the effort and clocking features of OM to a large degree and am trying > to deepen that further. I have run into one problem that I don't know how to > apprach. Quite possibly there is an obvious answer in the manual that I've > missed and if so, please forgive me. (I have noticed that most of my > questions don't, in fact, have such answers though.) I am trying to figure > out how to limit the calculation of the clocking total to the latest > iteration of a repeating task. > > The most obvious place where this plays out is in column view. I am working > my way through my agenda in column view, estimating efforts or reviewing my > effort estimates against real-time clocking. The clock total in this view > shows the full total over all iterations of repeating tasks — not helpful for > this use case. > > Am I being clear? (I hate to over-explain something to a group of this > calibre.) Any advice on how to change that?