Consider the following short example (code taken from Eric S's file, which I'm working on):
---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Example 1 Using colon, the text is not reported verbatim. : were $\beta_2$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[3], 4)} : and $\beta_3$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[4], 4)} * Example 2 Using example environment it seems to be exported fine in .tex #+begin_example were $\beta_2$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[3], 4)} and $\beta_3$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[4], 4)} #+end_example ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 1 is not exported okay, there are stray = and \texttt added; whereas version two seems fine. See snippet from tex file below. This looks like a bug to me. Are the two forms of verbatim really equivalent? Stephen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- relevant snippet from tex file, exported from above. \section{Example 1} \label{sec-1} Using colon \begin{verbatim} were $\beta_2$ = =src_R{round(out3$coef[3], 4)}= and $\beta_3$ = \texttt{src\_R\{round(out3\$coef[4], 4)\}} \end{verbatim} \section{Example 2} \label{sec-2} Using example environment \begin{verbatim} were $\beta_2$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[3], 4)} and $\beta_3$ = src_R{round(out3$coef[4], 4)} \end{verbatim} Stephen