Maybe someone else is interested in my "personal wiki" I implemented
on top of org-mode.

It basically adds three things to plain org-mode
* Narrowing
  Makes only current section[*] visible and thus avoids any distraction
  by unrelated things.
* Automatic links of all text matching a section name.
  Much like org-wikinodes, but without camel case.
* Navigation history
  When visiting different sections in the same file history is
  recorded allowing navigation "back" to previous section.

Find the el file attached, and also an example file.

What do you think?

[*] A section is the contents of a first level heading.

;;;; aw-org-pw.el --- personal wiki major mode derived from org-mode.
;; Copyright (C) 2011 Anders Waldenborg
;; Author: Anders Waldenborg <>
;; Keywords: outlines, calendar, wp
;; Version: 0.2
;; This file NOT is part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see `'.
;;; Commentary:
;; This implements the following features on top of org-mode making it
;; feel more like a (personal) wiki:
;;  * Auto narrowing to current section (= first level heading).
;;  * Linking of all section names.
;;  * Creating of new sections when following nonexistant links.
;;  * Recording navigation history and back functionality.
;;; Change Log:
;; 2011-07-23  Anders Waldenborg
;;             0.2 Bugfixes
;;                 - Fix bug with narrowing going one char to long.
;;                 - Make aw-org-pw-link-regexp buffer local.
;;                 - Fix rear-nonstickyness.
;;                 - Give aw-org-pw-current-section correct capitalization.
;; 2011-07-15  Anders Waldenborg
;;             0.1 Initial release.
;;; Code:

(require 'org)

(defconst aw-org-pw-frontpage-name "StartPage"
  "Fake name created for the section before first heading")

;;;; Random helper functions

(defun aw-truncate-list (l n)
  "Destructivly truncates list l to n elements"
  (let ((e (nthcdr (1- n) l)))
    (when e
      (setcdr e nil)))

(defun aw-org-pw-word-at-point ()
  "Return word at point, or currently marked text if mark is active"
  (if mark-active
      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark))
    (when (looking-at "\\w")
      (let ((start (save-excursion (while (not (looking-at "\\b\\w")) 
(backward-char)) (point)))
            (end (save-excursion (while (not (looking-at "\\w\\b")) 
(forward-char)) (1+ (point)))))
        (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))))

;;;; Section navigation

(defun aw-org-pw-section-regexp (&optional pagename)
  "Return a regexp matching page section (or any section if pagename is nil)"
  (format "^\\* *\\(%s\\)$" (if pagename
                                (regexp-quote pagename)

(defun aw-org-pw-get-section-region (name)
  "Find (start . end) points of specified section"
  (let ((case-fold-search t)
        (search (aw-org-pw-section-regexp name)))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (if (string-equal name aw-org-pw-frontpage-name)
            (cons (point-min) (1- (point)))
          (while (not (looking-at search))
            (if (eobp)
                (error "Section not found")))
          (let ((start (point)))
            (cons start (point))))))))

(defun aw-org-pw-all-sections ()
  "Return a list with all section names"
      (let ((res (list aw-org-pw-frontpage-name))
            (re (aw-org-pw-section-regexp)))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (not (eobp))
          (when (looking-at re)
            (setq res (cons (match-string-no-properties 1) res)))

(defun aw-org-pw-next-section ()
  "Go to next section"
  (let ((re (aw-org-pw-section-regexp)))
    (while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at re)))

(defun aw-org-pw-current-section-name ()
  "Find current section name

This is usually same as the variable aw-org-pw-current-section,
but if navigation has happened by other means (e.g isearch) this
function may be needed to get the correct value."
      (let ((re (aw-org-pw-section-regexp)))
        (while (not (or (bobp) (looking-at re)))
          (forward-line -1))
        (if (bobp)
          (match-string-no-properties 1))))))

;;;; Navigation with history

(defun aw-org-pw-back ()
  "Goto previously visited section"
  (unless aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list
    (error "Nowhere to go I think..."))
  (let ((f (pop aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list)))
    (aw-org-pw-goto-section-raw (car f))
    (setq aw-org-pw-current-section (car f))
    (goto-char (+ (point-min) (cdr f)))))

(defun aw-org-pw-goto-section-raw (name)
  "Go to specified section without updating history"
  (let ((reg (aw-org-pw-get-section-region name)))
    (narrow-to-region (car reg) (cdr reg))))

(defun aw-org-pw-goto-section-with-history (name offset prevsec)
  "Go to specified section recording provided history"
  (aw-org-pw-goto-section-raw name)
  (push (cons prevsec offset) aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list)
  (aw-truncate-list aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list 10)
  ; use aw-org-pw-current-section-name function instead of provided
  ; name to get correct cApiTaliZation.
  (setq aw-org-pw-current-section (aw-org-pw-current-section-name))
  (goto-char (point-min)))

(defun aw-org-pw-goto-section (name)
  "Go to specified section"
  (aw-org-pw-goto-section-with-history name (- (point) (point-min)) 

(defun aw-org-pw-frontpage ()
  "Navigate to front page"
  (aw-org-pw-goto-section aw-org-pw-frontpage-name))

;;;; Links

(defun aw-org-pw-follow-link-at-point ()
   ;; aw-org-pw link -> aw-org-pw-goto-section
   ((get-text-property (point) 'aw-org-pw-linked-text)
    (aw-org-pw-goto-section (get-text-property (point) 'aw-org-pw-linked-text)))

   ;; other kind of org link -> org-open-at-point
   ((eq (get-text-property (point) 'face) 'org-link)

   ;; not a link? -> offer to create page
   ((aw-org-pw-word-at-point) (aw-org-pw-create-new-section t))

   ;; bail out
   (t (message "Don't know what to do"))))

(defun aw-org-pw-follow-link-at-mouse (ev)
  "Follow link at mouse"
  (interactive "e")
  (mouse-set-point ev)

(defun aw-org-pw-create-new-section (&optional confirm)
  "Create a new section in current file"
  (let ((pagename (aw-org-pw-word-at-point)))
    (if (and confirm (not (y-or-n-p (format "Create new page '%s'? " 
        (message "Page creation aborted")
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert "\n\n* " pagename "\n")
      (aw-org-pw-goto-section pagename))))

;;;; Link hilighting

(defun aw-org-pw-activate-links (limit)
  (when (derived-mode-p 'aw-org-pw-mode)
    (let ((case-fold-search t))
      (when (re-search-forward aw-org-pw-link-regexp limit t)
        (org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
        (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
                             (list 'mouse-face 'highlight
                                   'keymap aw-org-pw-link-map
                                   'help-echo "Personal wiki link"
(match-string-no-properties 0)))
        ;; this is basically org-rear-nonsticky-at
        (let ((pos (match-end 0)))
          (add-text-properties (1- pos) pos (list 'rear-nonsticky (cons 
'aw-org-pw-linked-text org-nonsticky-props))))

(add-hook 'org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook
          (lambda ()
            (add-to-list 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords
                         '(aw-org-pw-activate-links (0 'org-link t))

(defun aw-org-pw-update-sections-regexp ()
  "Update regexp used to create all section-links"
  (setq aw-org-pw-link-regexp (regexp-opt (aw-org-pw-all-sections) 'words)))

;;;; isearch integration - widen before search starts, and narrow when
;;;;                       done, possibly updating breadcrumbs.

(defvar aw-org-pw-isearch-startoff nil
  "Internal variable for storing offset in page when search starts")

(defun aw-org-pw-isearch-start ()
  (setq aw-org-pw-isearch-startoff (- (point) (point-min)))

(defun aw-org-pw-isearch-end ()
  (if isearch-mode-end-hook-quit
      (aw-org-pw-goto-section-raw aw-org-pw-current-section)
      (aw-org-pw-goto-section-with-history (aw-org-pw-current-section-name) 
aw-org-pw-isearch-startoff aw-org-pw-current-section))))

;;;; imenu integration

(defun aw-org-pw-imenu-entries ()
  (mapcar (lambda (e)
            (cons e 1))

(defun aw-org-pw-imenu-goto (name pos &optional rest)
  (aw-org-pw-goto-section name))

;;;; Avoid creating top level headers
(defun aw-org-star ()
  "Insert two (on beginning of line) or one (otherwise) '*' characters

This works mostly as a reminder that first level headings are
special in aw-org-pw-mode and should not be created manually."
  (if (bolp)
      (insert "**")
    (insert "*")))

;;;; Actual mode definition

(define-derived-mode aw-org-pw-mode org-mode "Org-PW" nil
  (make-local-variable 'aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list)
  (make-local-variable 'aw-org-pw-current-section)
  (make-local-variable 'aw-org-pw-link-regexp)

  (setq aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list nil)
  (setq aw-org-pw-current-section "none")

  (setq header-line-format '("[" aw-org-pw-current-section "] back:" (:eval (if 
aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list (caar aw-org-pw-breadcrumbs-list) "no history"))))

  (setq imenu-create-index-function 'aw-org-pw-imenu-entries)
  (setq imenu-default-goto-function 'aw-org-pw-imenu-goto)

  (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'aw-org-pw-isearch-start nil t)
  (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'aw-org-pw-isearch-end nil t)


;;;; Keymaps

(define-key aw-org-pw-mode-map "\C-c\C-o" 'aw-org-pw-follow-link-at-point)
(define-key aw-org-pw-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'aw-org-pw-back)
(define-key aw-org-pw-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'aw-org-pw-frontpage)
(define-key aw-org-pw-mode-map "*" 'aw-org-star)

(defvar aw-org-pw-link-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key aw-org-pw-link-map [mouse-2] 'aw-org-pw-follow-link-at-mouse)
(when org-mouse-1-follows-link
  (define-key aw-org-pw-link-map [follow-link] 'mouse-face))

(define-key aw-org-pw-link-map [return] 'aw-org-pw-follow-link-at-point)

(provide 'aw-org-pw)

;;; aw-org-pw.el ends here
# -*- mode: aw-org-pw -*-

This is an example document.

Here is a link to a different section about features.

A SandBox page can be useful for testing.

 C-c C-o: follows link (or creates new page, try on a transient mark!)
 C-c C-b: back in navigation history
 C-c C-f: Back to front page

* Features
As this mode derives from standard org-mode all org-mode features are
available, such as file:///etc/motd links and code blocks.

int main(int argc, char **argv);

BTW you can press C-c C-b to go back to previously visited page.

* SandBox page
The "StartPage" page doesn't really exist, it is the part of the
document upto first header.

Remember that first level headings means different sections. So a
bullet list in a section should be second level, such as:
** foo
** bar
** baz

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