Carsten Dominik <> writes:

>>> I am unable to reproduce this.  I do get an empty line the first time,
>>> but when the empty line is already there, then there is no problem.
>>> Do you find the insertion of this one empty line a problem?
>> It's a significant problem for me.  I still use org-remember because 1)
>> org-capture inserts an extra blank line
> Do you also mean at the beginning of the file, or elsewhere?
>> and 2) canceling a capture
>> doesn't work for some reason - I get the following message:
>> "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer could not 
>> be cleaned up correctly"
> can you make a minimal example to demonstrate this issue?
> I would like to fix it.
While attempting to make a minimal example of this, I narrowed down the
problem to using ":unnarrowed t" in my org-capture-templates.  Since I
removed it, there is no extra line and the buffer gets cleaned up when I
type C-c C-k.  I've finally made the switch to org-capture.  Thanks!

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