Hi Rasmus, At Thu, 21 Jul 2011 10:57:45 +0200, Rasmus wrote: > : > I have a feature request for Calfw. > > Masashi, would you prefer these to be posted here or on your github > page?
I like here because I can get more comments than do in other channels. I'm sorry that other members does not feel noisy. I can catch both track and I will manage incoming issues and my progress. Then, I will announce calfw updates here. > Anyhow, the month view is just superb! > > However, when using especially the two week view (and this is probably > also true for the week view) I would like calfw to utilize vertical > space better. By 'better' I basically mean that I would like calfw to be > greedy. > > Refer to the following screenshot: > > http://ompldr.org/vOWtjdA > > Compare (the second week) to Google Cal: > > http://ompldr.org/vOWtjdg > > Seeing there is a lot of space left in each of Calfw's day-column it > would be nice if it could be used to enhance the overview. This could > for example be archived mapping events against time on the vertical axis > as the Google calendar does (and also Mozilla Lightning but it no longer > work on my system). This might also allow for printing more text from > the even entry (using multiple lines). Thanks for your request and good images. I think this request involves 3 functions. * Time table layout I think this function is very difficult, because it needs many study for me to implement, including following functions. Of course, I consider the time table view is one of the goal of calfw. * Display multiple-lines items (the source splits an item multiple lines.) This is not so difficult. In this mechanism, the source objects can propose some formats, for example, "15:00 appointment" and ("15:00-15:30" "appointment"). Then, calfw chooses the suitable format and displays in the current layout algorithm. I will design the interface between cfw:source and calfw, and implement it. * Word-wrapping and folding lines (calfw splits lines within a column.) This is little difficult. I think word-wrapping, folding lines and truncating strings can not be achieved in the narrow columns straightforwardly. I need a time to study this issue. > On the other hand we probably also want to make sure that it is still > works on a 800x600 display. Thus, it might be best to introduce a > governing variable. Yes. It is good idea. Regards, -- SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given) m.saku...@kiwanami.net