Hi Bastien,

At Tue, 19 Jul 2011 01:06:14 +0200,
Bastien wrote:
> :
> > I'm sure that the caching mechanism is useful, but I'm not sure that
> > we should do it with paying the large cost of rewrite whole codes.
> FWIW, this is a two separate steps process: 1) write a usable cache, 
> then 2) re-implement (parts of) the agenda by using it.
> I think (1) could be interesting /per-se/ and if it helps calfw, then
> it's even more interesting.

What does '/per-se/' mean ?
Excuse me for asking a trivial word.

I'm also think about cache in the calfw side, such as an alist:
(date . [a list of contents]). Then, uses can refresh the cache
explicitly. It is easy to implement.

Is the plan(1) the same idea?

SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given)

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