Hi Felix,
Small disclaimer: I've tested this on Mac OS X only, using Python 2.7.2.
It took me a while to get the gpg part working but now its working nicely :)
I had to remove -no-tty for some reason.
getting from
authinfo = os.popen('gpg -q -no-tty -d ~/org/google_passwd.org.gpg').read()
authinfo = os.popen('gpg -q -d ~/org/google_passwd.org.gpg').read()
This is working under Arch-Linux, obvious after tweaking to use python2
and not python3.
I will test if I could add the generated file to my agenda.
This would allow me to merge the google calendar with org.
Basically, I started to use the google calendar since most of the time I
add events on my smartphone. Adding a quick event is, for now, much
easier using the google calendar rather then trying to sync via
org-mobile. I also appreciate the calendar view on small screens rather
then a text-based view. A sync between org-mode and google events is not
necessary as long as I stick with the way to add/change events only on
my mobile phone. (but sure it would be awesome if there would be a real
Lets see how it works out.