SAKURAI Masashi <> writes: [...]
>> > [...] > > Just yesterday in JST, I released calfw v1.0. This is brilliant! Many thanks for this. Very useful for quick diary planning! I particularly like the different views and, for once, the default colour scheme ;-) Also, as a long time vi user (sorry), I like the vi movement commands. One quick question: I loaded the relevant files and then, not knowing exactly what to do, I followed the instructions in calfw.el which said: ;;; Usage: ;; Executing the command `cfw:open-calendar-buffer', switch to the calendar buffer. ;; You can navigate the date like calendar.el. so I tried M-x cfw:open-calendar-buffer which proceeded to give me the error: let: Symbol's function definition is void: cfw:create-calendar-buffer I did get the calendar working by executing, instead, cfw:open-org-calendar so everything is fine but I thought I would suggest changing the usage documentation in calfw.el to give a pointer to the more appropriate command? One feature request: in the display of individual calendar items, it would be nice to have tags and the originating file name highlighted (in different ways, of course), but this is a minor request. Thanks again, eric -- : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs : using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.574.g5a503)