As auto-save-mode can only cause leakage after org-decrypt has been run,
there's no need to check for it (and potentially cause annoyance) so early.

Unfortunately, auto-save-mode doesn't set a buffer-local var to indicate
whether it's enabled for the current buffer (checking
`buffer-auto-save-file-name' has proven to be unreliable), so we can
only check whether it's enabled globally, using `auto-save-default'.

Signed-off-by: Pieter Praet <>
 lisp/org-crypt.el |   14 +++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-crypt.el b/lisp/org-crypt.el
index 4bff7a1..f4c0b8e 100644
--- a/lisp/org-crypt.el
+++ b/lisp/org-crypt.el
@@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ This setting can also be overridden in the CRYPTKEY 
 (defun org-decrypt-entry ()
   "Decrypt the content of the current headline."
+  (when
+      (or
+       (not auto-save-default)
+       (yes-or-no-p "WARNING: auto-save-mode is enabled globally. This may 
cause leakage. Continue? "))
   (require 'epg)
   (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
@@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ This setting can also be overridden in the CRYPTKEY 
            (when heading-was-invisible-p
              (goto-char heading-point)
              (org-flag-subtree t))
-           nil))))))
+           nil)))))))
 (defun org-encrypt-entries ()
   "Encrypt all top-level entries in the current buffer."
@@ -209,10 +213,10 @@ This setting can also be overridden in the CRYPTKEY 
 ;;     'org-mode-hook
 ;;     (lambda () (add-hook 'auto-save-hook 'org-encrypt-entries nil t))))
-(when (and (functionp 'daemonp)
-          (not (daemonp)) auto-save-default)
-  (message "Warning: turn auto-save-mode off in Org buffers containing crypted 
-  (sit-for 1))
+;; (when (and (functionp 'daemonp)
+;;        (not (daemonp)) auto-save-default)
+;;   (message "Warning: turn auto-save-mode off in Org buffers containing 
crypted entries.")
+;;   (sit-for 1))
 (add-hook 'org-reveal-start-hook 'org-decrypt-entry)

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