I was really impressed that cloning subtrees that have clockreports in them would shift the time for clock reports, even with faily complex times.
This is great, and the gurus know about it, but here's a use-case: I have a daily overview where I do the same stuff, and one of the things is generate a clock report from the prior day, which goes from 12:00 p.m. the previous day to 12:00 p.m. of today, so it's a clock report that looks like this: So, at the start of each day, I just clone the item into a new Daily Overview, and the start/end time for the clock report automatically shifts, which saves me from having to do that. *** Daily Overview Limit to 30 mins. #+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope file :tstart "<2011-05-11 Wed 13:00>" :tend "<2011-05-12 Thu 12:00>" #+END: - [ ] Clone this item - [ ] check time from yesterday using clock report - [ ] Download master of source code - [ ] Look for any new major interesting things Cool. --Nate