>> perhaps the data could be printed as an Org-mode table, and then the
>> "output raw" :results combination could be used, or the output could
>> be sent through another code block to convert the string to a table.
> That's what I do at the moment, actually.
> Mind you, org is able to take the output and convert it to a table
> easily enough with =C-c |= (org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)
> operating on the output if selected as a region.  Would it be possible
> to post-process the output from babel automatically using this method
> (maybe with a hook?)  with the output selected if ":results output
> table", say, were specified?  That alone would be sufficient for 90% of
> the cases...

Ah, that sounds like a much more satisfying and general solution than
the previous approach of parsing output in language-specific manners.
Although I don't have time at the moment, I will put automatic
conversion of org type results onto my todo list, so that at some point
in the future, code like the following will be possible...

#+source: org-results
#+begin_src sh :results output org
  echo "| 1 |"
  echo "| 2 |"

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var in=org-results
  (listp in)

: t

> Apologies for the sporadic nature of my responses lately: I have been on
> holiday (much needed!) and purposely without email most of the time!

No need to apologize!  I try to do the same when on vacation.

Best -- Eric

> Thanks,
> eric

Eric Schulte

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