> instead of what I put above. It will run for a fairly long time and
> might not give you feedback, so just leave it be until it gives you a
> fresh command prompt and stops sitting at "cloning into..." or
> whatever the message is.
> After that you can should be ready to set up the .emacs file and give
> it a whirl.

Ok, I  am looking at the .emacs file in a previosu message, and am slightly 
confused as to this: line here

;; set load dirs and global config options                                      
;; assumes .elisp directory is in:                                              
;; linux: /home/username/.elisp                                                 
;; OX X: /Users/username/.elisp                                                 
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/contrib/lisp/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/lisp/")

Do I uncomment the OS X line and replace /Users/username with my own? so it 
would read:
OS X: /Users/Tmoney/.elisp ?

> Best regards,
> John

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