:SCHEDULED: and :DEADLINE: which is confusing. Documentation <http://orgmode.org/manual/Repeated-tasks.html#Repeated-tasks> example Le 23 février à 20:54 Bernt Hansen a écrit > > Please provide a sample task and a description of what you get and what > you expected. AFAIK SCHEDULE and -3d is not intended to work - this is > for DEADLINES: only to specify the number of days before the deadline > that you want the entry to show up in your agenda. I don't think it has > any meaning for SCHEDULED: entries. > In my opinion, documentation doesn't make a clear separation between let me think that <date -3d> will work with SCHEDULED.
Documentation should have a paragraph on repetear <date +d> and on paragraph on delaying. -- Vincent-Xavier JUMEL GPG Id: 0x2E14CE70 http://thetys-retz.net Rejoignez les 5500 adhérents de l'April http://www.april.org/adherer Parinux, logiciel libre à Paris : http://www.parinux.org