This looks like it may be a multidisciplinary problem, but this mailing list has provided good solutions for these things in the past, so I figured it would be the first place to check.
I've been exporting latex documents via org-mode, but I noticed that the editing mode (after C-c ') was LaTeX mode without the Auctex options that I had used on a different emacs setup. So I installed Auctex (it now edits in pdflatex mode), but since then exporting to Latex has been *very* slow. In fact, the whole emacs freezes up, and the minibuffer keeps giving me these "Starting new Ispell process [default] ..." messages. I turned on debug-on-error, but I don't get a backtrace buffer (but I'm not very experienced at debugging in emacs, so this may not mean anything). Here's a sample from the *Messages* buffer: org-babel-exp processing... Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error Position saved to mark ring, go back with M-x org-mark-ring-goto. org-babel-exp processing... Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error org-babel-exp processing... Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error Starting new Ispell process [default] ... Enabling Flyspell mode gave an error org-babel-exp processing... Does anyone have advice on fixing this? Thank you Chris