Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <yagn...@live.com> writes:

> Hi Robert,
> Robert Pluim <rpl...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <yagn...@live.com> writes:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I read orgmode list from gmane news group and I want to subscribe the
>>> list to be able to post, but dont want to recieve any mails unless they
>>> directs to my mail ID. is it possible??
>> I believe you can post via gmane without being subscribed to the list
>> (this post being an example :) )
> Thanks, Fist I thought so, then I was afraid of giving manual work to the
> moderators for spam verification. Thanks for the confirmation.
> Yagnesh

Hi Yagnesh,

Yes you can do this.  That is how I am set up.  I read the list through
gmane (and Gnus) and am subscribed and set up to not receive email from
the list.  This allows posts by me to get to the list without requiring
moderation and I get to read the list the way that is most convenient
for me.

When someone does reply-all which includes my email address I get a copy
of that mail in my inbox and I'll definitely notice it and respond.
Posts intended for me but just sent only to the list may not be read for
long periods of time (read: days) so the author may not get a timely


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