Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> Joakim 
>> https://github.com/jave/inkmacs>
>> Inkmacs integrates Inkscap and Emacs. Interesting for this list is
>> inkorg-mode which lets you write text in Org mode and update text  in
>> Inkscape.
>> It's work in progress with some cmubersome dependencies still.
>> Maybe it could be mentioned here:
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/.
> I have seen the entry for this in EmacsWiki for quite sometime now [1]. 
> It looks quite wonderful.
> For a common user who doesn't understand much of Inkmacs, SVG etc etc
> what does all this amount to? From the overall description it seems like
> it would help create wonderful mashups involving graphics and text
> (within or outside of Emacs?). The only thing that comes to my mind is -
> animated powerpoint slides and posters may be mindmappers.
> Could you please add a couple of lines to this announcement that
> summarizes the potentiatlities of your work in a way common Emacs user
> can understand? 
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Inkmacs

Maybe this scenario helps?

- start out with an Org mode text tree
- M-X inkmacs-edit This binds the tree to an Inkscape instance
- C-M-x will copy the Org mode text tree to Inkscape and bind each node
to an Inkscape text node. The default layout will be ugly
- Drag around the text nodes as you please and add graphics
- Edit the Org mode text tree and update the text nodes in Inkscape
again with C-M-x

I use this for things like mindmaps.

There are more possibilities but the above scenario should give a hint

Joakim Verona

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