On 29.3.2011, at 20:40, Matt Lundin wrote:

> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> That is indeed an excellent solution if you want to add a tag for a
>>> todo kw.  However, I wonder if there is a direct approach, where the
>>> exporter simply does not export if it is a certain todo kw.  Is the
>>> solution to have the exporter delete anything with that todo kw?  Or
>>> is there a way to have it skip?
>> I think that was Carsten's suggestion a bit back, but I'm not sure. I
>> think I asked if it was just deleting as it channeled through the
>> export function but didn't get a response. Looking back, though, I'm
>> sure that's what it was and my question was probably a bit silly :)
> You are correct. The export hook that Carsten provided deletes items in
> a temporary buffer, not in your org files. In fact, you can use the
> export hooks to do almost anything to this temporary buffers before they
> are exported; your original org files will not be touched.
>> And yes, I have turned this off as I find adding :noexport: to ever
>> todo in addition to whatever tags I already use to ID the project/task
>> is annoying and ugly. I've toyed with simply having a * Tracking
>> headline at the beginning of each file where I dump todos via capture
>> and track time and then having that have a top level noexport tag to
>> take care of things. That's pretty much nice, but I still like todos
>> created during meeting minutes or in the context of some other project
>> notes to stay where they make sense rather than separating them from
>> their location and putting them elsewhere.
>> So.... I've got some solutions but am not quite happy yet. I should
>> re-visit Carsten's solution to strip it on export. That would probably
>> be the ticket.
> Yes, that would be the easiest solution, requiring no additional
> markup.

I have a good patch for this lined up - will check it in tomorrow.

- Carsten

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