On 22.3.2011, at 15:25, Chao LU wrote:

> Dear all,
> Just writing to see if it is possible to use variable in org-capture 
> configuration, like this
>  (setq org-capture-templates
>            '(("t" "Todo" entry (file "~/org/refile.org") "* TODO %?\n  %i\n  
> %a" :prepend t)))
>                                               ------------------------
>                                                        \---How could I use-> 
> (concat My-Dropbox-Path "refile.org")
> Since I put all my files in Dropbox, and the My-Dropbox-Path has different 
> values under MAC and M$Windows.

Using backquote as the others in this thread say is one possibility.
However, you can also get the latest version of Org - it does
allow a lisp form for the file name:


- Carsten

> Thanks,
> Chao

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