John Tait <> writes: > > While I am here (sorry), I couldn't get #+FILETAGS: to work in org-version > 7.4. > > For example, if I export a file (to html) with > "#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: john", and then I include, I can see > included as part the export of File1 as expected. If I then set > "#+FILETAGS: :john:" in File2, I'd expect File2 to now be excluded, but it > still appears. If I then tag a File2 heading as say "* Heading :john:", then > it won't appear in the File1 export, as expected. Am I missing something?
Alas, I believe exclude tags only work with trees (not filetags). According to the docstring of org-export-handle-export-tags, "If any of SELECT-TAGS is found, all *trees* not marked by a SELECT-TAG will be removed (emph. mine)." Best, Matt