On Mon, Mar 21 2011, Tassilo Horn wrote:

> Sorry, but I totally missed the point of the example. :-)

Damn it! I tried hard. :-)

> Isn't completion of "L" to "Lionel" at the beginning of a line exactly
> what your completion function should enable?

No. To give a even more concrete application of my example: I'd like
org-contacts to give completion for email addresses or nicknames. If you
have a contact entry like:
- Name: Emmett Brown
- Nickname: doc
- Email address: gigaw...@delorean.com

What I'd like to do is that if the user enters:


is that it can be completed to
   "Emmett Brown <gigaw...@delorean.com>"

But if I return such an item in COLLECTION, it just gets ignored because
"Emmett Brown <gigaw...@delorean.com>" does not match "doc".

This was the point of my example in the my previous email. To just prove
that completion-at-point is being too much picky about which collection
item are valid candidate for completion. I'd like it to just trust what
my function returns. :-)

Julien Danjou
❱ http://julien.danjou.info

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