Hi everyone,

The =org-babel-temp-file= string seems to be escaped with backslashes on
some platforms (like MacOSX), which is not very appreciated by the =mysql
-e= command. I suggest the following patch for =ob-sql.el= (Org-mode Version
7.4 (release_7.4.590.g85d4d)):

<                     ('mysql (format "mysql %s < %s > %s"
>                     ('mysql (format "mysql %s -e \"source %s\" > %s"

Best regards,
-- Alain


Alain Clément
Dr ès sc. mathématiques

Université de Lausanne
Quartier UNIL-Centre
Bâtiment Unicentre
Bureau 339
CH-1015 Lausanne

T. +41 21 692 20 36 (direct)
T. +41 21 692 20 60 (secrétariat)

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