Derek Thomas <> writes: [...]
> My second > question may be more of a suggestion if the feature is not available. > I currently use the testpos package in latex to position my figures in > beamer. Is there a native org method to specify figure location in > org-beamer? If not, it could be a nice feature for those preparing > presentations in org especially if it had the option to specify > quadrant location and relative size in a simple manner. Thanks again, Well, you can use latex directly in org, either with #+begin_latex \textpos{...} #+end_latex or with #+latex: \textpos{...} -- : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs : using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.528.gd457) _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.