>> Maybe we could extend the :var header argument to support the following
>> syntax...
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var A=1 B=3
>>   ;; code
>> #+end_src
>> or
>> ** two vars in a properties block
>>    :var:      test1=7 test2=8
>>    :END:
>> That shouldn't be overly difficult, and should solve our requirements.
> Yes, that looks good. 
> In the following Org file
> ---------------------------------------
> #+property: :var a=1 b=2
> * h1
>   :var: c=3
>   :END:
> ** h11
>    :var: d=4 e=5 b=7
>    :END:
> #+begin_src sh :var f=6
> # code here
> #+end_src
> ---------------------------------------
> if we follow programming languages by analogy then the behavior we
> should aim for is for variables a,b,c,d,e to all be set in the src
> block, with b having the value 7.
> I've made a start on a patch to do that -- it involves treating :var
> differently from other header args. Whereas normal property inheritance
> searches up the tree until the specified property is encountered, my
> patch searches up the tree to the root, collecting all the :var
> assignments encountered.

Maybe we should do this sort of exhaustive search for *all* header
argument types.  Are there any header arguments aside from :var which
could possibly want to take multiple values collected at different
levels of inheritance?  I suppose :results may also take multiple values
which could reasonably be collected across multiple levels of hierarchy.

> So perhaps we should go for a solution involving both the new ":var a=1
> b=2" syntax (to allow multiple :var in the same block), and the
> pluralistic inheritance described above (to allow :var to be collected
> from all levels in the hierarchy).

That sounds good to me.  Is this code up in a repository somewhere, or
should be send patches back and forth?

Best -- Eric

> Dan
>> Sound good? -- Eric
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