I just joined the list recently and am very excited to try direct odt
export!  I checked out Jambunathan's git repo.  I'm already running org-mode
from its git master; is your repo a fork of the master, or is it its own
thing?  It seems like it contains everything, so I should use it instead of
the main one?

Once I enabled png images in my Windows emacs (by copying the appropriate
DLLs), the following worked fine for me in my .emacs:

;; Org-mode ODT (Open Document) export, EXPERIMENTAL:
 '(org-export-latex-default-packages-alist (quote (("AUTO" "inputenc" t))))
 '(org-export-with-LaTeX-fragments (quote dvipng))
(setq org-odt-base-dir "c:/Program Files (x86)/emacs/site-lisp/org-jambu") ;
only used for odt export
(load-file (expand-file-name "contrib/odt/setup.el" org-odt-base-dir))

I think this causes the jambu repo to be used for everything (org-mode.el
and all the other exports).  Is that OK?

I have to say, great work so far!  Amazingly useful.

I suppose one addition would be to allow for customized ODT character and
paragraph styles, e.g. customizing the styles.xml that gets included into
the doc.

-- Gary
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