Hi Gregor,

Gregor Kappler <gregor.kapp...@univie.ac.at> writes:

>  2. use git versioned files transparently, i.e. org-git-store-link
>     should support search (org-ids and text files) in linked git
>     revisions of files.

I've look into this.  We could code things to add a search string:

  [[git:~/my.org::master@{2011-02-07}::Org code]]

... but I'm reluctant to change the general syntax of links, even 
if that's just for git links.

>  3. define an interactive function that can update the revision
>     information of a link at mark to the current branch head of the
>     file (so I can update all links to new FS folder structure.)

You mean update

  [[git:~/my.org::master@{2011-02-07}::Org code]]


  [[git:~/my.org::master@{2011-02-11}::Org code]]


Can you provide an explicit example?

> I am still lame at elisp - so my implementation skills are
> limited. With the great work in org-git-link all backend stuff seems
> there, only needing more glue. Any hints how to achieve this would be
> very welcome!

org-git-link.el is quite readable, and I'd welcome ideas on how to
extend it to fulfill your wishes without extending Org's link syntax 
too much...



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