I tried to set the custom view in the calendar, but does not work.

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp

  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      ("f" "FIXED" tags-todo 


No error occurs when run:


  Press key for an agenda command:        <   Buffer, subtree/region restriction
  --------------------------------        >   Remove restriction
  a   Agenda for current week or day      e   Export agenda views
  t   List of all TODO entries            T   Entries with special TODO kwd
  m   Match a TAGS/PROP/TODO query        M   Like m, but only TODO entries
  L   Timeline for current buffer         #   List stuck projects (!=configure)
  s   Search for keywords                 C   Configure custom agenda commands
  /   Multi-occur                         ?   Find :FLAGGED: entries

  f   FIXED         : +bug+TODO="DONE"+STATUS="FIXED"+CLOSED>="<today>"

  Headlines with TAGS match: +bug+TODO="DONE"+STATUS="FIXED"+CLOSED>="<today>"
  Press `C-u r' to search again with new search string

  -UUU:%*--F1  *Org Agenda*   All L1     (Org-Agenda  Ddl Grid)---
  No event to add


Can someone tell me where is the error? thanks!

pd: I made a t-shirt with a custom logo of Unicorn [0], enjoy!

[0] http://pub.osiux.com/org-mode/org-mode-is-the-unics-of-organizers.svg


Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
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