Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Eric(s), Dan & all,
> Sébastien Vauban wrote:
>> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>>> I think that adding a new block delimiter face which inherits from the
>>> org-meta face as you've suggested is the way to go.
>>> I would recommend however that rather than removing/changing the
>>> org-meta-line, quote and verse delimiting faces to cover the entire line
>>> you simply add the org-block-begin/end-line face overtop of these existing
>>> faces. That way the default behavior is not changed by the patch, and users
>>> have more control over the final display.
>>> In fact rather than having the org-block-begin/end-line faces inherit
>>> from org-meta-line why not have them begin as empty faces.  Do you think
>>> this sounds like a good way to go?  If so would you mind submitting a
>>> patch which
>>> - doesn't remove existing faces but rather adds these new faces overtop
>>>   of them
>>> - includes of definition of the org-block-begin/end-line faces to empty
>>>   faces (otherwise the elisp compiler will warn of references to
>>>   undefined variables)
>>> Also, could you share an example code snippet which initializes the
>>> org-block-begin/end-line faces initialized (either here and/or on worg)?
>> Here a proposition that goes in that direction -- not yet a real patch, but
>> something for you to have a look at. Should be easy to test, at least,
>> that's what I tried to achieve.
> Eric (Fraga), David (O'Toole) and Carsten, you should love the following...
> when in native fontification...
> #+TITLE:     Test file for future patch (for block fontification)
> #+DATE:      2011-02-02
> #+LANGUAGE:  en_US
> * Abstract
> This is the new code that I will supply as a patch. To test it, just
> evaluate the next source block, and please report any problem.
> What it does:
> - Add 2 faces for the lines delimiting the beginning and the end of
>   the source block
> - Fixes a tiny bug (affecting the begin delimiter line of source
>   blocks) when in "native" fontification (from Dan Davison)
> - NEW!! >>> Add a light yellow background in native mode!!! <<< NEW!!

Hi Seb,

Thanks for sharing this code.  I couldn't help myself but to turn it
into a patch as that has become my favorite way of reviewing new code.
The resulting patch it attached.
diff --git a/lisp/org-faces.el b/lisp/org-faces.el
index c237a0e..0cf5269 100644
--- a/lisp/org-faces.el
+++ b/lisp/org-faces.el
@@ -511,6 +511,16 @@ follows a #+DATE:, #+AUTHOR: or #+EMAIL: keyword."
   :group 'org-faces
   :version "22.1")
+(org-copy-face 'org-meta-line 'org-block-begin-line
+  "Face used for the line delimiting the begin of source blocks.")
+(org-copy-face 'org-meta-line 'org-block-begin-line
+  "Face used for the line delimiting the end of source blocks.")
+(defface org-block-background nil
+  "Face used for the source block background.")
 (defface org-verbatim
   (org-compatible-face 'shadow
     '((((class color grayscale) (min-colors 88) (background light))
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 52de784..35da334 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5141,21 +5141,24 @@ will be prompted for."
 	       beg end
 	       '(font-lock-fontified t font-lock-multiline t))
-	      (add-text-properties beg beg1 '(face org-meta-line))
-	      (add-text-properties end1 (+ end 1) '(face org-meta-line))
-					; for end_src
 	       ((and lang org-src-fontify-natively)
-		(org-src-font-lock-fontify-block lang block-start block-end))
+		(org-src-font-lock-fontify-block lang block-start block-end)
+                (overlay-put (make-overlay beg1 block-end)
+                             'face 'org-block-background))
-		(add-text-properties beg1 (+ end1 1) '(face
-						       org-block)))
+		(add-text-properties beg1 (+ end1 1) '(face org-block)))
 					; end of source block
 	       ((not org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks))
 	       ((string= block-type "quote")
-		(add-text-properties beg1 end1 '(face org-quote)))
+		(add-text-properties beg1 (1+ end1) '(face org-quote)))
 	       ((string= block-type "verse")
-		(add-text-properties beg1 end1 '(face org-verse))))
+		(add-text-properties beg1 (1+ end1) '(face org-verse))))
+	      (add-text-properties beg beg1 '(face org-meta-line))
+	      (add-text-properties beg beg1 '(face org-block-begin-line))
+	      (add-text-properties (1+ end) (1+ end1) '(face org-meta-line))
+	      (add-text-properties (1+ end) (1+ end1)
+				   '(face org-block-end-line))
 	   ((member dc1 '("title:" "author:" "email:" "date:"))
@@ -5171,7 +5174,7 @@ will be prompted for."
 	   ((not (member (char-after beg) '(?\  ?\t)))
 	    ;; just any other in-buffer setting, but not indented
-	     beg (match-end 0)
+	     beg (1+ (match-end 0))
 	     '(font-lock-fontified t face org-meta-line))
 	   ((or (member dc1 '("begin:" "end:" "caption:" "label:"
I noticed a couple of issues in the applied patch (possibly due to a
transcription error on my part).  Namely
- I believe your default faces only work for white backgrounds
- I didn't notice a change in background for the code blocks
- it seems that the #+end_src line is fontified but the #+begin_src line
  is not

An image of my Emacs after applying the patch is available at:

Thanks for sharing, I hope this feedback is helpful.

Best -- Eric
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