Erik Iverson <> writes:

> Markus Heller wrote:
>> Tassilo Horn <> writes:
>>> Markus Heller <> writes:
>>> Hi Markus,
>>>> M-x doesn't work anymore!!  The M key works, e.g. M-w still does what
>>>> it's supposed to if a region is active, and I can use ESC x instead.
>>> What does C-h k M-x say?
>> For C-h k M-x, it doesn't say anything.
>> For C-h k ESC-x, it says the following:
> <snip>
> You should start emacs with the -q flag and see if it still
> happens.  Assuming M-x returns, comment out 1/2 of your .emacs
> file and determine by binary search where the problem is.

That might be a stupid question, but how do I do this under Win 7?  I
just double-click on runemacs.exe ...


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