On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Michael Broschinsky <mikebroschin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a small test document:
>>> #+TITLE: Title
>>> This is normal text.
>>> =This is teletype text.=
>>> ~This is verbatim text.~
>>> When I choose the LaTeX export option and inspect the LaTeX output, I
>>> see that both the text marked as =code= and the text marked as
>>> ~verbatim~ are exported as \texttt{}.
>>> I expected that =code= would be exported as \texttt{}, but I expected
>>> ~verbatim~ to be expected with the LaTeX \verb command.
>>> Then when I explored org-export-latex-emphasis-alist, I see that the
>>> documentation indicates that if the string to wrap the fontified text
>>> is \verb, then "Org will automatically select a delimiter character
>>> not in the string", which also leads me to believe that that
>>> ~verbatim~ will be exported as \verb.
>>> What simple thing am I missing to export ~verbatim~ text as \verb?
>> See http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/14256/focus=14257 for
>> an explanation and some references.
>> Nick
> The problem appears to be the docstring of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist,
> which refers to the behavior before Carsten's fix.  Now it seems that the
> second element, \\verb, yields \texttt{} instead of \verb.
> org-export-latex-emphasis-alist is a variable defined in `org-latex.el'.
> Its value is
> (("*" "\\textbf{%s}" nil)
>  ("/" "\\emph{%s}" nil)
>  ("_" "\\underline{%s}" nil)
>  ("+" "\\st{%s}" nil)
>  ("=" "\\verb" t)
>  ("~" "\\verb" t))
> Documentation:
> Alist of LaTeX expressions to convert emphasis fontifiers.
> Each element of the list is a list of three elements.
> The first element is the character used as a marker for fontification.
> The second element is a formatting string to wrap fontified text with.
> If it is "\verb", Org will automatically select a delimiter
> character that is not in the string.
> The third element decides whether to protect converted text from other
> conversions.
> Tom

So, if I understand correctly (and if I read line 1981 in org-latex.el
correctly, from Org 7.4), ~verbatim~ and =code= are exported
identically, using \texttt{}?

I stumbled upon this when I was writing a document with the following
character sequence: !--dar--

When I exported to LaTeX and then processed the file, the
\texttt{!--dar--} wound up collapsing the two hyphens into a single
hyphen (or an en-dash; hard to tell in the tt font).  Of course, that
behavior *doesn't* happen when the string is preceded by the \verb
command in LaTeX.

Do I have other options for marking up verbatim inline content?

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