Greg Troxel <> writes:

> Torsten Wagner <> writes:
>> Since I use my Android-based phone on a daily basis (after all it is a
>> mobile phone), I got tempted to use more and more the google
>> calendar. I know about mobileorg and all this. However, the calendar
>> is so highly integrated with many applications on the phone that is is
>> often just a click away to add a new appointment.
> Slightly OT perhaps, but I am contemplating getting an Android phone and
> figuring out how NOT to have my calendar on google, and would like to
> sync it with org.  (Right now I've made a 0.1-hearted attempt to export
> org to ical and put it in mac calendar.)  Are there ways to not sync
> with google on the android and sync with org?  I don't mind running my
> own calendar server.

If I understand you correctly, you are asking if you can use the Android
calendar app to work with a calendar that is *not* a Google Calendar.  I
don't think that is possible: the app is specifically for Google
calendars.  However, there may be other calendar apps out there that
could do what you want.

As a side note, I saw on the remind mailing list that somebody has
recently ported /remind/ to Android and there *is* an org2rem
translator...  but, again, it's one way IIRC.

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.259.ge612d.dirty)

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