At Sun, 16 Jan 2011 05:41:06 -0500,
Leo Alekseyev wrote:
> Guided by Matt's suggestion I started digging further.  I see the
> problem, but I don't know how to fix it other than by making crude
> changes directly to source in org.el.
> Both the command path and the file link path need to be properly
> formatted for Windows.  In particular, in org-file-apps list, I need
> something like ("\\.jnt\\'" . (format "%s %%s" (w32-short-file-name
> "C:\\Program Files\\Windows Journal\\Journal.exe"))).  But, this
> expression doesn't work verbatim.  If I evaluate (format....) and
> paste the result as the cdr of the dotted pair, e.g. ("\\.jnt\\'" .
> "c:/PROGRA~1/WI0FCF~1/Journal.exe %s"), the command is invoked.  So,
> question 1: How do I eval the (format...) expression automatically?..

If you set `org-file-apps' in your init file via setq you can use

(setq org-file-apps
      `(("\\.jnt\\'" . ,(format "%s %%s" (w32-short-file-name "C:\\Program 
Files\\Windows Journal\\Journal.exe")))))


> A more serious problem is that emacs is failing to correctly convert
> slashes to backslashes in the file path.  My emacs is launched by
> cygwin, and so apparently it thinks that slashes are OK, but in fact
> they are not.  Here are the explicit modifications to org-find-file in
> org.el that are needed to get things to work:
> Original code (doesn't work under Windows):
> (setq cmd (replace-match
>                  (save-match-data
>                    (shell-quote-argument
>                     (convert-standard-filename file)))
>                  t t cmd)))
> Here's what works:
> (setq cmd (replace-match
>                   (w32-short-file-name (save-match-data
>                                          (convert-standard-filename
>                                           (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "\\" 
> file t t)))) t t cmd))
> Note that instead of (convert-standard-filename file) I need to
> explicitly replace slashes with backslashes, and shell-quote-argument
> must be replaced with w32-short-file-name.  So, question 2: Is there a
> way to make these modifications without patching org?..

Not sure.  Maybe you could perform the translation with a translation

C-h v org-link-translation-function RET

,----[ *Help* ]
| org-link-translation-function is a variable defined in `org.el'.
| Its value is nil
|   This variable is potentially risky when used as a file local variable.
| Documentation:
| Function to translate links with different syntax to Org syntax.
| This can be used to translate links created for example by the Planner
| or emacs-wiki packages to Org syntax.
| The function must accept two parameters, a TYPE containing the link
| protocol name like "rmail" or "gnus" as a string, and the linked path,
| which is everything after the link protocol.  It should return a cons
| with possibly modified values of type and path.
| Org contains a function for this, so if you set this variable to
| `org-translate-link-from-planner', you should be able follow many
| links created by planner.
| You can customize this variable.
| [back]

  -- David
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