Let's say I have a subtree, of review materials, for example.  I would like
to randomize the order of the elements.  I would like to have the option to
randomize the subtree in some different ways:

    1.  sort the members of one subtree that is a list, randomly.
    2.  sort all the headlines, randomly.
    3.  sort the subtrees randomly, and the lists within each sub-subtree
also randomly, ad nauseum.

I have written a sort routine in elisp.  It's been many long years ago, but
I remember that the basis support for writing sorts is pretty general.

Suppose I had time to do this.  What would I need to look at?

Of course, my need is today, to sort review materials for my students in
random order.

Alan Davis

 "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow
them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."

           --- R. Buckminster Fuller
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