I briefly mentioned the approach you describe below earlier in this
thread [1], and while I see the appeal of this approach, I think that
the second approach I described in that same message (using offsets
instead of comments) is preferable -- although I am of course open to
being persuaded otherwise.

Best -- Eric

Seth Burleigh <wbu...@gmail.com> writes:

> I would just like to throw in a quick idea.
> The easiest way to support noweb tangling is to get org-babel-tangle to
> create nested tags and change detangle to take these into account.
> for example, i have the forex_user source block that is tangled.
> ;; [[file:~/Dropbox/.rep/clj-forex/clj-forex.org::*User][forex_user]]
> my code...
> ;; [[file:~/Dropbox/.rep/clj-forex/clj-forex.org::*User][embedded_block]]
> my embedded code ...
> ;; embedded_block ends here
> ;; forex_user ends here
> corresponding to a forex_user block of
> #+begin_src
>   my code ...
>   <<embedded_block>>
> #+end_src
> This would only work for noweb on separate lines and preferably only when
> one block is noweb embedded into one other source block, but i believe that
> this is the most common case anyways. This could be enforced in the
> detangle/tangle code.
> Then, a separate minor mode could make these file: markers invisible and
> create a colored overlay pattern per source block code. Saving the file
> would still save the markers, you just wouldnt see them if the minor mode
> was on.

[1]  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/35863/focus=35971

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