On 1/9/11 12:08 PM, David Maus wrote:
At Thu, 16 Dec 2010 02:51:32 -0500,
Jeff Horn wrote:
Title says it all. The following code does not export correctly.
(Reproduced from memory can anyone else confirm?)
*Bold Text.* This is a sentence.
The LaTeX code produced is (in full)
#+BEGIN_SRC latex
I cannot confirm this. I get the expected output:
\textbf{Bold Text.} This is a sentence.
Note the lack of a closing environment and the truncated content. I
remember pdflatex complaining that "ABSTRACT" is an invalid
environment, but don't recall whether that was related to the asterisk
Try it lower case:
Org isn't sensitive about case in special block types, but LaTeX is.
Using org-mode 7.4 in emacs 23.2.
Where is the ABSTRACT block defined? No such block seems to be known
by Org 7.4 running with emacs -Q.
Arbitrary block types are provided by org-special-blocks, a contrib
(slated for inclusion into the next core Org, if I remember Bastien's
announcement correctly).
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