Hi Bernd,

I'm happy that this has worked well for you, and thanks for mentioning
Org-mode in your presentation.

Always happy to answer questions -- even if there is sometimes a
significant time-lag in my replies.

Best -- Eric

Bernd Weiss <bernd.we...@uni-koeln.de> writes:

> Dear all,
> I appologize for this slightly off-topic mail but I wanted to let you
> know that -- after asking many questions -- I finally finished my
> first org-mode- and Babel-based presentation. If you are interested in
> my slides or the source code, feel free to download it from my github
> repository: <https://github.com/berndweiss/r_meta-analysis_intro>.
> I am also interested in any comments or criticism.
> Finally, I would like to thank (again) Eric Schulte and Dan
> Davison who created this great piece of software and kindly answered
> all my question.
> Bernd
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