At Sun, 12 Dec 2010 04:56:57 -0200,
Cassio Koshikumo wrote:
> So, after fiddling a lot, I finally came up with a nice (I think)
> solution to my synopsis-associated-with-text problem
> ( A little
> hackish, maybe, but it works fine.
> Funny thing is, this solution utilizes the first method I had
> discarded: using a drawer to keep the synopsis.
> Here's what I wanted to achieve:
> I'm writing a long text. I'd like to divide it into more manageable
> chunks (using subtrees), and associate a small synopsis with each of
> them. Then, I'd like to have a view of the synopsis only, and be able
> to move the chunks based on those synopsis -- without the main text
> getting on the way.
> Here's the solution:
> ...

Nice.  If the hack works out fine, maybe you could write up a short
explanation for Org mode's hacks section at Worg?[1]

  -- David


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