On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 00:30:35 -0500, "Filippo A. Salustri" <salus...@ryerson.ca> 
> Hi,
> I'm new to org-mode (though I've been a causal emacs user for more than 10
> yrs).
> I'm running org 7.4 on the current Aquamacs, and I prefer larger than normal
> windows (120 col x 36 rows).
> The problem is that org seems to do hard auto-fill linebreaks regardless of
> window size.

The variable you're looking for is fill-column.  You can set it in your
.emacs file with

'(fill-column 120)

You can also do 'C-x f' to set the variable locally for a buffer.  

You might also find visual-line-mode useful; it breaks lines at buffer
edges.  I do a lot of writing and have begun to default to




Sent from an Emacs buffer.

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