Hi Thomas,

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:
> Aloha Suvayu,
> On Dec 3, 2010, at 4:26 PM, suvayu ali wrote:
>> Hi org-mode users,
>> I have been collaborating on a big (many contributors) paper. For all
>> my various contributions to the paper I need to provide the latex
>> source as a section of a latex document. Is there some way I can
>> export to latex without all the preamble and header information from
>> the org-mode file? Or just exporting to latex and manually removing
>> all that is the only way to do it?
>> While we are at it if I were to attempt to write my own version of
>> latex export function which does this instead, where should I be
>> looking? I'm not very good at lisp, so some suggestions would be
>> really helpful if I need to take this route.
>> Thanks for any help/suggestions.
>> -- Suvayu
> I don't know any way to do this with the Org-mode LaTeX exporter (though
> there may be some way I don't know yet).
> This might not be an option you want to follow, or something you have
> already thought about, but you could achieve your result using LaTeX source
> code blocks and then tangle, rather than export, your contribution.  This
> has the advantage that it is relatively simple to tangle different chunks,
> in case you are contributing to different parts of the paper.
> #+source: chunk1
> #+begin_src latex :tangle chunk1.tex
>  This is chunk 1.
> #+end_src
> #+source: chunk2
> #+begin_src latex :tangle chunk2.tex
>  This is chunk 2.
> #+end_src
I hadn't thought of org-babel! Thanks a lot, this makes much more sense. :)

> Hope this helps.
> All the best,
> Tom


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