Julien Danjou <jul...@danjou.info> writes:

> On Wed, Dec 01 2010, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>> Mostly works fine but there is one problem I have encountered.  If you
>> change your view (mine defaults to day so I sometimes switch to week
>> view), you can go forward and backward as expected.  However, if you
>> /jump/ (j in agenda view) to a given date, the view resets to the
>> default (well, to single day view in my case).  I prefer the view to
>> remain as I have specified it last until I change it myself.
> Good catch. Patch updated fixing that.

Hi Julien,

I tried your patch out tonight and I'm confused about org-agenda-ndays.
This is stated as obsolete (since 24.1 ? what's that?) but the default
for org-agenda-span doesn't seem to be set based on the existing value
of org-agenda-ndays.  Is that on purpose?

I'm fine with customizing org-agenda-span as long as it's documented
that this needs to be done for the next version of org-mode that
includes your patch.

I also noticed the display on the modeline says 'Day', 'Week', 'Month',
or 'Year' when displaying the agenda with 'd', 'w', 'v m', and 'v y'
which is great.  However this data is lost and replaced with '1 days' if
moving forwards or backwards in the agenda with 'f' and 'b' or jumping
to a date with 'j'.

Otherwise I think this looks good to me.


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