Eric S Fraga <> schrieb:
Well, my immediate reaction was to jump in and say that this (pt 4) is
exactly when I most need inline tasks! My typical use case is taking
minutes at a meeting and assigning actions to individuals: inline tasks
are perfect for this.
However, on reflection, obviously a simple nested single item list would
do the job just fine *if* we could assign TODO actions to list
items... *but* we cannot unfortunately.
So, I'm back to needing to use inline tasks or putting in a request for
taskable list items...
Seems as if I'm not alone. :-)
1) I understand that inline tasks withhin lists are not the perfect
solution. They break the list visually because they live in column 1.
So if you do not need to define a real task but just write a comment,
a drawer should be the better solution.
| - Item 1
| - Item 1a
| This is a comment.
| :END:
| - Item 1b
| - Item 2
| - Item 3
2) Another topic is the need of real tasks withhin lists. And I think that
this depends on how you use Org. If you use Org just to write down
thoughts using headings, you can define tasks for any item.
| * Text
| * Text
| ** Text
| ** TODO Text
| * Text
But if you have more complex documents that have different headings and
you'd like to have a list view for your structured thoughts, you may
prefer lists. And when these lists get larger, the need to define list items
as tasks gets more important.
Since Org is based on a outline structure of items beginning with a star,
it may be difficult to realise the possibility to mark list items as tasks!?
| - Item 1
| - Item 1a
| - TODO Item 1b
| - Item 3
So inline tasks may be a work around. My first guess was something like that:
| - Item 1
| - Item 1a
| *************** TODO Inline Task
| Here is text.
| *************** END
| - Item 1b
| - Item 2
| - Item 3
If that is difficult to implement and drawers are a appropriate way
to mark text to belong to a list item, what about using inline tasks
withhin such a drawer?
| - Item 1
| - Item 1a
| :TASK:
| *************** TODO Inline Task
| Here is text.
| *************** END
| :END:
| - Item 1b
| - Item 2
| - Item 3
The best solution seems to be allowing list items to get a TODO-state.
But I think this is too complicated to implement?
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