Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

>> I imagine that such a change would meet with some resistance, at least I
>> know I would not want all of my table names exported by default.
> You name it... "by default", meaning such a behavior should be "switchable":
> on or off.
>> Is there a reason you don't just add the table name manually? e.g.
>> Numbers-1
>> #+tblname: numbers-1
>> |        1 |
>> |        2 |
>> |       45 |
>> |     test |
>> | 3.141592 |
> I'm not really enthousiast about solutions that would be manual.
> On the contrary, even if table names were always exported, the name can easily
> disappear from your documents with just a (very) little bit of CSS or LaTeX
> code. In CSS, just apply "display: none" on the DIV, and you're done. I don't
> really understand the resistance you're talking about, then.
> To sum up, if the info is there, it's really easy to remove it (even
> automatically!). If it's not there, it's quite a tedious task to add it
> (manually)...
> Do you understand the need I'm trying to express?

Yes, I understand the need you express and I agree that this would be a
useful addition to the export engine.  I'm not sure how the export or
table names (and probably other types of names including results and
maybe other Org-mode comments) would be toggled on and off however, but
perhaps someone better acquainted with the export engine than myself
would know.

Best -- Eric

> Best regards,
>   Seb

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