
* Abstract

A clocked item that spans over 2 days is displayed in *only one day*'s agenda

* Example

2010-11-24 Wed _________________________________________________________________
               8:00-09:00 ________
  Work:        9:20-10:12 Clocked:   (0:52) Email and News                :work:
              10:00-11:00 ________
  Client:     10:12-12:32 Clocked:   (2:20) Did this
              12:00-13:00 ________
  Work:       13:32- 9:35 Clocked:   (20:03) Organization                 :work:
              14:00-15:00 ________
              16:00-17:00 ________
              18:00-19:00 ________
              20:00-21:00 ________
              22:00-23:00 ________

2010-11-25 Thu _________________________________________________________________
               8:00-09:00 ________
  Work:        9:35-10:35 Clocked:   (-) Email and News                   :work:
              10:00-11:00 ________
              12:00-13:00 ________
              14:00-15:00 ________
              16:00-17:00 ________
              18:00-19:00 ________
              20:00-21:00 ________
              22:00-23:00 ________

* Question

Shouldn't we see the task in the first day, from its beginning time up to
24:00, and in the second day, from 00:00 up to its end time?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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