On 2010-11-17, Eric S Fraga <ucec...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> I apologise for jumping into the middle of a conversation but your

It's an open conversation.  Jump away.  :)

> reference to longlines-mode brings to mind visual-line-mode which was
> introduced in Emacs 23 (I believe).  This mode turns on =word-wrap= as
> well which makes the text look like it has been filled (i.e. soft
> returns in your parlance) without actually changing the underlying
> text.

This is tempting, but (1) I am stuck with 22 for now and (2) I am not
yet comfortable with the idea.  I'm not sure it will work with git,
magit, diff-mode, ediff, etc. the way I want it to.

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