
>>>>> Sébastien Vauban writes:

> Though, I don't understand cases where we would like to preserve the
> "verbatimness" of the linebreaks, but not of the lists, which is the
> case, currently, for VERSE. Is there any useful use case for that?

> For me, both should be supported together, whichever the
> environment, or none.

I'm not sure to understand what you have in mind here.

On a technical point, I fail to see how you can have both leading
white spaces preserved and lists interpreted, in a reasonable way.
Thus, as VERSE environment preserves those spaces, lists can only be
left uninterpreted there.

Perhaps what you are missing is a block where only line breaks are
verbatim. There's an export option to preserve them on the whole file
but not on a part of a document, AFAIK.

> For the emails, what environment would you advice me to use in
> general? The patched VERSE, or back to EXAMPLE (distinguished from
> RESULT, since Eric's patch to wrap the Org results)?

I think VERSE (patched) is better than EXAMPLE because you can still
benefit from text markup (and LaTeX snippets). Sadly, mails can
sometimes be, well, very distant from poetry...


-- Nicolas

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