2010/11/14 Benny Simonsen <be...@slbs.dk>
> Hi
> With the org-info-js mode enabled each section is shown as a seperate page, 
> but then I would like to get current page marked in the TOC in some way (e.g. 
> class=current and then some CSS to make the markup) ... but is it possible?
> /Benny


I have made it.

The result can be seen on a example page I have made (in danish -
(translated org-info-src.js [1] it into danish)) -

I have modified org-info-src.js [1] to include an extra function
setLinkClass + using this function at the end of showSection.
I have also added a small css script [2] with the extra content, which
could be included in the normal worg.css [3] without side effects, I
I include one css - main.css [4] that includes the two css files
mentioed here + an extra file with my own site style.'

Except the changes in my site slbs.css, the only style changes I have made are:
- Current page/section are marked black and bold
- Visited pages are marked in different color

Anyone interested in a patch for the highlighting of the links?
Anyone interested in a patch for the danish org-info-src.js?

[1] http://slbs.dk/org/scripts/org-info-src.marklinks.js
     ... in danish: http://slbs.dk/org/scripts/org-info-src.da.marklinks.js
     ... in danish without modifications:
[2] http://slbs.dk/org/style/marklink.css
[3] Copy from http://orgmode.org/worg/worg.css
[4] http://slbs.dk/org/style/main.css - Which includes the other css files

I have also included lightbox-2.04, and changed it so that a group is
limited to one visible page(one section)

Best regards
Benny Simonsen

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