
>>>>> Sébastien Vauban writes:

> I tested the look and feel of the export to HTML and PDF. Works
> fine.


> Works even better (IMHO) with the suggested template:


> The advantage is to get a real different look for the inlined task,
> so that it gets your attention as it deserves it.

Ok, I do not mind, as I do not use inline tasks. I trust you here. I
have applied it on github (and corrected the misplaced <b>).

If it is a sane default template for HTML, perhaps someone could tell
me what its equivalent is for DocBook?

> - Regarding LaTeX, my suggestion requires the =todonotes= LaTeX
> package to be loaded in the header.

For that one I'm not sure adding one more package to those already
inserted by default is a good idea. Is =todonotes= standard in every
LaTeX distribution?

I think default templates should be clean and very low on
requirements. This is not too hard for an user of this (undocumented)
feature of Org to configure it to its needs after all.

What do users (and maintainers) think about it?


-- Nicolas

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