I'm one of the legion gradually slipping more and more of my day-to-day
process into org-mode.  (Thanks, Carsten!)

One of the things I'd like to be able to do is capture a new TODO from a
command line.  e.g.

shell$ capture "Fred wants a new database VM, 60G"

and maybe eventually something obnoxious with e.g. zenity, so that a key
chord popped up a text dialog which would just seamlessly get fed to
org-capture.  Basically, I want to make the notation and just keep
sailing. Of course, I've got the relevant org files open in an emacs on
another desktop: miles and miles away. :) The obvious solution

shell$ emacsclient -c -e "(org-capture)"

(and maybe a '-t', to keep it in the tty) 

has a problem: when I finish the capture, I'm left with the session, and
worse, when I try to close the emacsclient, (C-x #) it tells me "No
server buffers remain to edit", and I have to M-x delete-frame.
Harshing my buzz, definitely.

A gmane search on 'capture command line' in this group didn't seem to
help much.  Am I thinking about the problem the wrong way?  How do
you-all do that sort of ad-hoc capture?

- Allen S. Rout

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