Hi there,

There have been some useful discussions on changing text color in org mode,
a very useful feature when editing manuscripts.
Anyway, I tried the following function without any success. No change in
color, it just behave like a normal link (i.e, underlined). Could someone
shed some light on what I am doing wrong ?



;; org-mode color
 "color" nil
 (lambda (path desc format)p
   ((eq format 'html)
    (format "<span style=\"color:%s;\">%s</span>" path desc))
   ((eq format 'latex)
    (format "{\\color{%s}%s}" path desc)))))
;; org-mode highlight
 "hl" nil
 (lambda (path desc format)
   ((eq format 'html)
    (format "<font style=\"background-color:%s;\">%s</font>" path desc))
   ((eq format 'latex)
    (format "\\colorbox{%s}{%s}" path desc))))) ;; require \usepackage{color}

[[color:blue][test this out]]
[[hl:yellow][highlighted text]]
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