Vincent Belaïche <> writes:

>>> My Org mode version is not able to interprete any `%20' or suchlike
>>> escape codes in file://... URL

>>Which Org mode version are you using?
>>M-x org-version RET
>>And can you give an example of a link that does not work as expected?
> [[file://localhost/c%3A/msys/1.0/temp/foo.html][link]]
> the file exists on my PC as 
> c:\msys\1.0\temp\foo.html
> I am under MSWindows XP.
> M-x org-version
> => Org-mode version 7.01
Emacs version?
Org-mode version 7.01trans commit-4cd56cfa7b93902544acb32848e36ee4004239a3
GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2010-05-08 on G41R2F1
Windows XP 

I can confirm the error. 

[[file://localhost/c:/Documents and 
Settings/A/Documenti/z-emacs/][link-localh-:]]   works

[[file://c:/Documents and Settings/A/Documenti/z-emacs/][link-c:]]      
works, faster

[[file://localhost/c%3/Documents and 
Settings/A/Documenti/z-emacs/][link-localh% ]] does 

not work the way expected: it opens a "" buffer, but  the  path is
wrong:  if you try to save the "" buffer  C-x w the directory 
proposed is:


*But*, Vincent, why do you use "%3A" when the colon ":" works? ?-/



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