
I am just learning how to use GPG, org-crypt, and epa. I am using:

- org version 7.01h
- emacs version GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
  2.20.1) of 2010-08-14 on barber, modified by Debian. 

In my .emacs I have the following variables set:

(require 'epa)

(require 'org-crypt)
(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance (quote ("crypt")))
; GPG key to use for encryption
(setq org-crypt-key "Stuart McLean")

I generated a keypair using KGPG, and tried to encrypt a region like the
following with `M-x org-encrypt-entry'.

*** secret data                                                       :crypt:
    my secret data

I also tried:

*** crypt setup                                                       :crypt:
    :CRYPTKEY: Stuart McLean
    my secret data

I get the following in the echo area:

epg-encrypt-string: Encrypt failed: ((exit) (invalid-recipient (reason . 0) 
(requested-recipient . "7488B7E9D0613F5E")))

I get the same error with `epa-encrypt-region'.

Again, I am new to this, is there possibly an error with my GPG setup?

Thank you,


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